The Rotary Youth Exchange Program (YEP) provides secondary school students aged 15 to 17, sponsored by a Rotary Club, with the opportunity to live and study abroad with host families for one academic year, to learn a new language, a new way of living and a great deal about themselves. Exchange students form part of the ambassadorial team of Rotary International promoting international goodwill, peace and understanding. The students also have opportunities for personal development and making international friends and contacts that can have positive benefits for their future lives.
For 2024-2025, the District 9675 Youth Exchange Chair is David Symonds

General information on Rotary Youth Exchange

All applicants to take part in the program must be current students in years 9, 10 or 11 and be sponsored by a local Rotary Club. The Rotary Youth Exchange Australia website provides a vast amount of generic information with the ability to be referred back to districts by completing an enquiry form in the “What to do Now” button for direct follow up. This is post code linked to each Rotary district in Australia.
Students participating in the Youth Exchange Program depart in January each year.
