New generations refers to the youngest generation in the family of Rotary. Many are participants in Rotary's youth and young adult programs: Interact, Rotaract, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), Rotary Youth Program of enrichment (RYPEN), Rotary Youth Exchange and several other programs. Take the time to find out about our programs and get involved!
RYLA is a life-changing program, providing an incredible opportunity to develop yourself as a leader alongside 75 participants. This will be a week of your life that you’ll never forget, and we’d love you to be involved!

What is RYLA?

RYLA is an amazing leadership program for young adults aged between 19 and 25. The  6 day program typically has 75 participants and focuses on leadership, personal development, teamwork and community awareness. RYLA features presentations from many experts who generously donate their time and experience to further the development of young leaders. The program combines workshops and presentations to fully explore the fundamentals of effective leadership.
All RYLA participants are generously sponsored to attend by a local Rotary club. RYLA costs $800 (inc GST) for each participant, and this cost is covered in full by Rotary - it really is an incredibly valuable opportunity!

Why should I attend RYLA?

RYLA is truly a life-changing experience. The program is an opportunity to understand yourself and others, and understand what it means to be a leader. You will form amazing connections with your fellow participants, and the impact on your life will go well-beyond the 6 days you spend together.
NYSF is a non-profit organisation that runs several residential programs to encourage young people (in Year 12) in their passion for science. It is Australia’s longest running and most well-known science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) outreach program.  
Some clubs in District 9675 will help to fund a participant from their local high school. So contact your local Rotary Club and find out if they are funding NYSF. 


2025 Year 12 program dates coming soon-check out the website.

Find out more

RYPEN, The Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment, is for young people aged 14 to 16 years and caters for teenagers who have shown qualities and application in everyday life which deserve further development.
RYPEN uses the common bonds of learning, co-operation, and friendship to design activities which facilitate trust and self-esteem. RYPEN seeks to broaden each participant’s horizons culturally, socially, and academically, providing the inner foundations for a strong future.

Dates for 2025

4-6 April @Teen Range 352 Cobbity Rd, Cobbitty
22-24 August @Teen Range 352 Cobbity Rd, Cobbitty
The Science and Engineering Challenge (SEC) is a nationwide STEM outreach program presented by the University of Newcastle in partnership with communities, Rotary clubs, universities and sponsors. Through the SEC, students experience aspects of science and engineering which they would not usually see in their school environment.
The SEC is one of Australia's longest-running STEM engagement programs, built upon strong foundations and respectful, mutually beneficial partnerships. This event is run by the University of Newcastle and allows high school students in Years 9 and 10, the chance to experience how science and engineering can help to solve real-world problems in a fun, competitive setting. 
Teams of students from different schools compete against each other in a series of eight challenges. Qualifying teams compete in the State Finals, with a state champion school participating in the Science and Engineering Challenge National Final. More than 400,000 students have been involved in the SEC since the program began at the University of Newcastle in 2000.
The Rotary Youth Exchange Program (YEP) provides secondary school students aged 15 to 17, sponsored by a Rotary Club, with the opportunity to live and study abroad with host families for one academic year, to learn a new language, a new way of living and a great deal about themselves. Exchange students form part of the ambassadorial team of Rotary International promoting international goodwill, peace and understanding. The students also have opportunities for personal development and making international friends and contacts that can have positive benefits for their future lives.
For 2024-2025, the District 9675 Youth Exchange Chair is David Symonds


What is Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA)?

MUNA is an annual event that is part of an International Rotary project to educate senior high school students on the United Nations (U.N.) organisation. The way the U.N. plays a vital role in promoting world peace, in addition to improving health, education and living standards around the world.

The event provides an excellent forum for students to develop and practise their public speaking skills whilst debating resolutions on topical world issues.

MUNA is held in many Rotary Districts around Australia. The team that places first in MUNA will be invited to compete at the Australian National MUNA at the Museum of Australian Democracy (Old Parliament House) in Canberra. (There will be financial support from Rotary District 9675).

Participants (now known as delegates) are asked to research a country to which they are allocated, form a stance on each resolution and choose a national costume.

What is Rotaract?

Rotaract is a Rotary-partnered  global organisation that provides opportunities for young adults (aged 18 and up) to enhance their knowledge and skills through personal development, to address the physical and social needs of their communities, whilst promoting better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.
We empower students and young professionals to create positive change in their local communities and around the world. Rotaract provides unique opportunities that assist its members in becoming the business and professional leaders of tomorrow.
Rotaract Clubs across Australia are part of a worldwide organisation of 250,792 individuals in 10,904 clubs covering 184 countries.


Project and events are carried out under four main areas of focus; Community Development, International Development and Understanding, Professional Development and Social Networking.  
Rotaract Clubs in District 9675 can be found on the District 9675 Website (Illawarra, Sydney South West and the University of Wollongong)
Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun.
14, 911 Interact Clubs with 342,953 Interactors in 145 Countries

What are the benefits?

  • Connect with leaders in your community and around the world to:
  • Take action to make a difference in your school and community
  • Discover new cultures and promote international understanding
  • Become a leader in your school and community
  • Have fun and make new friends from around the world

What’s involved?

Interact clubs organise at least two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding. Rotary club sponsors mentor and guide Interactors as they carry out projects and develop leadership skills.

The RYDA program has been running since 2000, initially by Rotary and now as a not-for-profit organisation in partnership with state governments, major corporate and Rotary. The program is aimed at high school students in years 10 – 12 and is based on strong evidence through the Road Safety Education Advisory Council.
In coordination with high school, RYDA offer the program as an excursion at one of the venues RYDA hires or as an incursion at the school. The students attend 6 sessions overall which focus on different areas of Road Safety for both as a driver, road user (cyclist etc) and as a passenger.
Students are split into groups of between 20 -30. The sessions are 30 minutes in length and are both practical and interactive with students. The aim is to focus on cognition development, building and increasing social competency and resilience and motivating low risk behaviour to allow the students to develop and practise personalised strategies.

RYDA Flyer

Further information

Tracey Grinter
NSW Metro Program Co-ordinator
Email: nsw@rse.org.au
Mobile: 0419 274 959